The galaxy far, far away is enormous, and full of countless planets and species. Yet, despite all of the many diverse creatures and cultures that populate it, they all seem to mostly play the same two games. There’s the card game Sabacc, which just looks like space poker. It’s allure pales in comparison to Star Wars‘ first and most enticing in-universe game, Dejarik. It looks like holographic chess combined with Dungeons & Dragons. But with the added bonus that you have to worry about a wookiee ripping out your arms if you win. Unfortunately—or fortunately, for some—we doubt we’ll ever get the chance to play Chewie. But that doesn’t mean we don’t want our own copy any less. And this 3D printed fan version might be the most beautiful one we’ve ever seen.
The YouTube channel Mighty Jabba’s Collection created their very own version of Star Wars‘ holochess set, Dejarik. (Which we first saw at Boing Boing.) The game first appeared in A New Hope, when C-3PO (foolishly) chided Chewbacca for “screaming” about R2-D2 making a “fair move.” It’s also appeared in other films and projects from the franchise, including a wooden copy in Rogue One.
This 3D printed version—which is much bigger and nicer than the toy version sold at Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge—includes both a board and all eight monsters. It’s roughly half-scale.
Mighty Jabba’s Collection
The printing design for the figures comes from Build It And They Will Come. But if you want to make your own you’re also going to need some serious patience and skills. A printer might create these, but they don’t sand them and then painstakingly paint them. If you want to try, though, you can find the correct color scheme for each figure from Adam Savage’s old Tested video. Also, just like in this video, we recommend putting felt protectors on the bottom of your monsters.
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