This year marks fifty years since a young filmmaker named George Lucas started a little company named Lucasfilm. It began with the release of his 1971 film THX-1138. Production starts on the third Lucasfilm movie five years later, under the name “The Star Wars.” The rest is history. As a way of celebrating the company’s golden anniversary, Hasbro is releasing a special series of 50th anniversary 6″ Star Wars Black Series action figures, all based on the animated Clone Wars series.
In this wave, which is exclusive to Target stores, we’ve got our two heroic Jedi Knights, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Also in this wave are a pair of stalwart Republic Clone Troopers, Echo and Hawk. Each figure stands at 6″ tall. Figures feature premium deco across multiple points of articulation and come in special Clone Wars-themed packaging. Each figure is priced at $24.99. You can check out images of the latest Star Wars Black Series additions right here.
Anakin Skywalker comes dressed in his Clone Wars-era outfit, as seen in the animated series. Perfect for posing with the previously released Black Series Ahsoka Tano figure.
General Obi-Wan Kenobi is next. This Black Series figure comes wearing his modified Clone armor, brandishing the symbol of the Jedi Order on his shoulder. Together with Anakin, they are the finest warriors in the Grand Army of the Republic.
Clone Trooper pilot Hawk was one of the most decorated officers in the 501st Legion. Flying many missions for the Republic (and taking out many battle droids), Hawk appears in memorable Clone Wars episodes like “The Hidden Enemy” and “Darkness on Umbara.”
Clone Trooper Echo, also known as CT-1409, plays a prominent role in the Clone Wars. He was once used by Separatist Forces as a pawn, but broke free. He eventually joins Clone Force 99, also known as “the Bad Batch.” The Echo figure comes with a removable helmet.
All four Star Wars Black Series figures ship in summer, 2021.
Featured Image: Hasbro
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