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Wildlife Photographer Makes Mini Hobbit Shire for Mice

I’m not exactly a huge fan of unwelcome mice that try to make my home their home. But when they’re pets, or living outdoors, they’re adorable. So I am a huge fan of the home one talented wildlife photographer made for the family of mice living in his backyard. He built his little neighbors their very own replica Hobbit Shire from The Lord of the Rings.

Simon Dell of the United Kingdom added a little bit of fantasy to his garden, and  a whole lot of cute. He crafted a miniature Hobbit world (which we first saw at Laughing Squid) for the tiny critters who reside there. The Hobbit homes are beautiful on their own. But without any mice in them they wouldn’t even be homes, just models. That wouldn’t be nearly as fun. Nor would it make for great wildlife photos. Fortunately he knew how to sell the mouse family on this house. Dell explained how he encouraged the mice to move in at the YouTube channel he set up for the daddy mouse:

“Simon built the little mice a home made up of old fruit, vegetables, and props from around his house and the results are all too adorable. To get the eye-catching imagery that he wanted, Simon created little houses for the two mice he named George and Mildred and for their little baby, Mini. He managed to entice them with nuts and berries that he kindly left for the tiny little mice. He would pick the nuts and berries on his walk around a nature reserve near his home in Sheffield.”

I can honestly say I already love George, Mildred, and Mini. (If you love them too you can get prints of them living in Mouse Shire at Dell’s Redbubble page.) However, I’m not sure I want them to move in with me.

Not for the normal reasons, though. There’s just no way I can build them a miniature house this good.

A mouse exits the door of a mini replica Hobbit house from The Lord of the RingsSimon Dell

The post Wildlife Photographer Makes Mini Hobbit Shire for Mice appeared first on Nerdist.

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