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Get Ready for Oscar Isaac, a Guitar, and ‘The Hippopotamus Song’

Can you imagine a conversation with Oscar Isaac where hearing about the inception of his magnificent beardisn’t the best part? Recently, Isaac went on There, he discussed all manner of interesting things. And yes, that included an ode to his Dune beard. He also shared how he and co-star Jessica Chastain bonded over and (And also tea and potato chips.) But the best part of his appearance on ? Oscar Isaac’s “The Hippopotamus Song.” Warning, Isaac cautions, “The Hippopotamus Song” can get intense. And so can Oscar Isaac playing the guitar.

But what is “The Hippopotamus Song” exactly? Conversation of the song came about when Fallon asked Isaac how he and

co-star Timothée Chalametdeveloped their on-screen relationship. Fallon asked if Isaac played Chalamet any lullabies, as he does to his son. Conversation then veered to the original songs Oscar Isaac writes on the guitar. Especially the ones he plays to his actual children. The most popular of Oscar Isaac’s lullabiesis the “The Hippopotamus Song.”

This song is so energetic, it may not have the desired effect. Still, it is a lot of fun. It would absolutely delight a child. In all honesty, we are delighted ourselves. And “The Hippopotamus Song” is catchy. Fallon and Isaac get into singing it, with Fallon singing along and Isaac animatedly playing his guitar.

Oscar Isaac playing the guitar and singing The Hippotamus Song

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Here are some of the lyrics for those who want to sing along:

Hippopotamus. Hippopotamus.
Hippopotamus. Ahhhhhmph.
I’m a hippopotamus.
I like swimming, but I’m dangerous.
If you get to close to me, I might just bite your feet.
Hippopotamus. Hippopotamus.
Hippopotamus. I’m a hippopotamus.
I’m a hippopotamus. I’m fat and dangerous
If you don’t understand, I might just bite your hand.
Hippopotamus. Hippopotamus.
Hippopotamus. Hippopotamus.

While we’re on the topic… Sign us up to watch this music video. We vote “The Hippopotamus Song” plus Oscar Isaac playing the guitar with a beard all in one. The world deserves this one. Maybe Fallon can have a cameo. We imagine Isaac’s hippopotamus co-star would absolutely love this song too.

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Get Ready for Oscar Isaac, a Guitar, and ‘The Hippopotamus Song’appeared first on Nerdist.
Dune The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Scenes From a Marriage  The Great British Bake Off  Succession. The Tonight Show Dune 

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