Star Wars: Visions premiered on Disney+ in late September. The original anime series showcased several shorts from leading animation studios in Japan. The shorts featured new looks and designs for the galaxy far, far away. They brought something fresh to the table with out there ideas, creative costumes, and dynamic characters. And now, Dark Horse Comics is commemorating Star Wars: Visions with a book. Today, Nerdist can exclusively announce The Art of Star Wars: Visions by Zack Davisson.
The 200 plus page book celebrates the anthology series. The Art of Star Wars: Visions features concept art, designs, and storyboards from the Star Wars: Visions animation studios. Those studios include Kamikaze Douga, Studio Colorido, Geno Studio, Trigger, Kinema Citrus, Production I.G, and Science SARU. Basically this book will serve as a full color companion to the animated series.
Dark Horse Comics
Dark Horse Comics senior editor Ian Tucker, the book’s editor, tells Nerdist, “As a lifelong Star Wars fan, it’s uniquely exciting to witness the passionate reimagining of a familiar galaxy far, far away through the lens of Star Wars: Visions. Every episode is packed with joyous surprises: an astromech droid cleverly topped with a roningasa, an ancient Sith warlock with a face like an evil hannya theater mask, or an adorably chibi Boba Fett… These worlds that we know so well have been brilliantly rendered in fascinating new ways, and other fans of Star Wars will undoubtedly savor the talent and zeal poured into each adventure as much as I have. We’re thrilled to have partnered with Lucasfilm and writer Zack Davisson in the creation of The Art of Star Wars: Visions, and we can’t wait to share this gorgeous collection of concept art and creator insights!”
The Art of Star Wars: Visions has a price of $49.99. It arrives on April 12, 2022. You can pre-order the book now through your local comic shop and your favorite bookseller.
Amy Ratcliffe is the Managing Editor for Nerdist and the author of A Kid’s Guide to Fandom, available now. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.
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