The one thing that had literally everyone talking after DC FanDome was the trailer for Matt Reeves’ . This -esque, hardcore version of a Dark Knight in his younger days featured our first good look at Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne. And one souped-up Batmobile. Not to mention Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman, Paul Dano as the Riddler, and Colin Farrell as the Penguin.
YouTube remixer extraordinaire
That’s not the only
popular superhero trailerthat get the Darth Blender old-school cartoon update recently. Darth took the audio from recent trailer, and put it through the filter of the 1960scartoon. This is a nice companion piece to the version of the trailer which used footagefrom the ’90s . That one came from the folks over at 100Bombs Studios.Well,
of the footage in Darth Blender’s trailer came from the ’60s show. Because all of the scenes of Doctor Strange actually come from the 1980s iteration. This is the version that played alongside on Saturday morning TV. Stephen Strange never appeared on the original Spidey show, so Darth had to get creative. In fact, no other Marvel heroes appeared in the sixties cartoon. Peter Parker had to always fend for himself. Different times indeed.To see more of Darth Blender’s amazing fan trailer re-edits, be sure to head on over to
their YouTube channel.The post
THE BATMAN Trailer Gets Animated with a ’90s Remixappeared first on Nerdist.