The countdown to the long-awaited animated Super Mario Bros. Movie is underway. The movie comes out April 7, 2023 and so far, we’ve seen two trailers. Now we have a new clip from the movie as well! In the video below, Toad introduces Mario to the Mushroom Kingdom. Its home to some of those game mechanics we have a love-hate relationship with. Just like the first time we played the game so many years ago, Mario fumbles his way through the floating platforms and bricks. Keegan-Michael Key as Toad rushes Chris Pratt’s Mario through town on their way to Peach’s Castle high above. All to a soundtrack of warp pipe noises and video game theme music.
The rich background of the Mushroom Kingdom is a highlight from this new clip. Even though Mario and Toad race through town, there’s a lot to see. All the cute multi-colored Toads, for one. Some are wearing hard hats at a construction site, others are punching coin blocks. Mario and Toad run by an antiques shop selling 8-bit keys, treasure chests, and other trinkets children of the ’80s and other fans of the early games will recognize.
Always the plumber, Mario can’t help but check out the pipes. But he’s quickly sucked in and unceremoniously bashed around before exiting at Peach’s Castle high atop the kingdom. We don’t get to see Princess Peach in this clip, but we do get a great exterior shot of that flag-waving pink and white palace that we know and love. We did hear Anya Taylor-Joy and see more of Princess Peach’s battle readiness in the second trailer a few weeks ago. Don’t forget to check out Nerdist’s breakdown of that one.
From earlier trailers, we know The Super Mario Bros. Movie will feature Bowser as the main villain, and that Donkey Kong and Rainbow Road are part of the story. And with all the little references we’ve seen to other characters and places we love, there’s a lot to be excited about!
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