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All the Easter Eggs We Spotted in STAR TREK: PICARD Season 3, So Far

The first two seasons of Star Trek: Picard had their share of Easter eggs for longtime fans to spot. But just with one episode, season three blew the previous two out of the water in this regard. With the final season a swan song for the Star Trek: The Next Generation crew, the producers stuffed these episodes full of fun winks and nods for fans. Here are a few of the best ones we spotted in Picard‘s episodes.

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Picard Episode One “The Next Generation” Easter Eggs

The Opening Title Card
The title cards for Star Trek: Picard season 3 and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, for Picard Easter eggs piece.
CBS/Viacom/Paramount Pictures

The opening title card says “In the 25th Century…” This didn’t just tell us when the show took place, but it’s a direct homage to how the title card from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan appeared. Only in that film, it said “In the 23rd Century…” Even the font is the same.

Aboard the S.S. Eleos
Beverly Crusher's medical ship from Star Trek: Picard, the SS Eleos, for Picard Easter eggs piece.

Among Dr. Crusher’s belongings we saw aboard her medical vessel the Eleos was the Comedy and Tragedy masks, which represented Beverly’s time running an acting class on the Enterprise-D. This was something we saw in the TNG episode “The Nth Degree.” She and Lt. Barclay even did a production of Cyrano de Bergerac together.

We also see her orchids, which we once saw in her Enterprise quarters in “Cause and Effect.” There’s also a large case with the belongings of her deceased husband Jack Crusher, which she brought out of storage on Earth in the episode “Family.”

The various Star Trek: TNG items referenced on Beverly Crusher's ship in Star Trek: Picard season three, for Picard Easter eggs piece.

We also see a plaque honoring her service in saving the planet Cor Caroli V from a deadly plague. We saw the aftermath of that event in the third season TNG episode “Allegiance.” Most importantly, there’s an old Enterprise-D computer console, which is playing Captain Picard’s log entry from the episode “The Best of Both Worlds,” where the crew faced off against the Borg Collective.

Inside Picard’s Office
The Enterprise-D painting in Picard's Ready Room, an ancient artifact that once belonged to his academy professor, and his Ressikan flute, all items in his office in Star Trek: Picard season three.

Hanging in his office was Picard’s painting of the Enterprise-D, which we saw displayed in his Ready Room on TNG. On his office desk was the Ressikan flute he learned to play when he lived another lifetime in the episode “The Inner Light.” Also on his desk was an ancient artifact given to him by his mentor and archaeology professor Dr. Galen. It was a Third Dynasty Kurlan naiskos, something Galen gave him in the sixth season TNG episode “The Chase.”

In Ten-Forward

At Guinan’s bar Ten Forward in Los Angeles, we found the bartenders selling souvenirs for the upcoming Frontier Day. This is a day celebrating the founding of Starfleet. They had an overstock of Enterprise-D models at the bar, as the bartenders said “nobody wants the fat ones.” Riker doesn’t care for this Enterprise-D shade, and we don’t either. Show some respect, young lady. That was the Federation flagship once.

Starfleet Spacedock
Starfleet spacedock in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock and in Picard season 3, for Picard Easter eggs piece.
Paramount Pictures/Paramount+

The massive Earth-orbiting Starfleet Spacedock was shown, now expanded with extra levels. The Spacedock first appeared in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, and then appeared in the following three movies. The model was also used a few times on TNG. However, there it was meant to represent a different spacedock, one not in orbit of Earth. This is the first time we’ve seen it in the era of Jean-Luc Picard.

On Board the Titan
The U.S.S. Titan on Star Trek: Lower Decks, and the Titan-A in Star Trek: Picard, for Picard Easter eggs piece.

The newly retrofitted U.S.S. Titan is itself an Easter egg of a sort on Picard. The ship was given to the newly minted Captain Riker at the end of Star Trek: Nemesis to command, but we never actually saw her. It finally appeared on Star Trek: Lower Decks, which takes place almost 20 years before Picard season three. But this Titan has been retrofitted to the new Constitution Class model, and is now considered the Titan-A.

Spock and Saavik await Kirk's inspection in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
Paramount Pictures

When Admiral Picard and Captain Riker board the Titan for their inspection, we hear the classic nautical boatswain whistle upon their entrance. This recalls Admiral James T. Kirk’s arrival on the Enterprise for his inspection in Wrath of Khan.

When the crew of the Titan stands in formation for the arriving Picard and Riker, we see officers from various classic alien races. There’s a green Orion, a Vulcan, a Trill, and perhaps the deepest cut, what looks like a Chalnoth. We first saw this usually savage alien race in the TNG episode “Allegiance”

When Picard and Riker have their extremely awkward dinner with Captain Shaw on board the Titan, Jean-Luc hands him a bottle of wine from his own vineyard, Chateau Picard.

Raffi’s Mission
Scoientific genius Richard Daystrom in the original Star Trek series, and the 24th century institue that bears his name in Star Trek: Picard, for Picard Easter eggs piece.
CBS Viacom/Paramount+

When we first meet Raffi Musiker (Michelle Hurd) this season, she’s on the planet M’Talas Prime. This is a cute little Easter egg nod to Picard showrunner Terry Matalas. Raffi’s under deep cover on a mission for Starfleet Intelligence, searching for a deadly weapon stolen from the Daystrom Station. The Daystrom Institute was first named-dropped on TNG, and referenced scientist Richard Daystrom. He first appeared in the TOS episode “The Ultimate Computer.” Daystrom Institute in Okinawa, Japan was first seen in Picard season one.

Captain Rachel Garrett
Captain Rachel Garrett of the Enterprise-C, as seen on the TNG episode "Yesterday's Enterprise." For Picard Easter eggs piece.

Raffi is looking for something or someone called “The Red Lady.” She’s not sure if it’s a person, a ship, or something else. It turns out, it’s a statue. We then see that there’s a red statue in front of a Starfleet recruitment center of Captain Rachel Garrett. She was in command of the Enterprise-C, and she gave her life to save a Klingon base on Narendra III. This took place 25 years prior to The Next Generation. This act cemented the peace treaty between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. We met her in the classic TNG episode “Yesterday’s Enterprise.”

Beverly in Cryofreeze
Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) in cryo freezen in Aliens, and Beverly Crusher in cryo freeze in Star Trek: Picard.
20th Century Studios/ Paramount+

This one’s not a reference relating to the Star Trek franchise, but another classic sci-fi franchise, Alien. When Riker and Picard board the Eleos, they find Beverly in cryofreeze, in what seems like a nod to how they discovered a frozen Lt. Ellen Ripley at the beginning of James Cameron’s Aliens.

Closing Credits Sequence

Even the end credits sequence for Picard season three is one giant Easter egg. There are close-up shots of LCARS interfaces from a starship, potentially teasing future episodes. One has a readout for a Holodeck program for Guinan’s Ten-Forward bar in Los Angeles.

Another mentions the destruction of a ship called the Constance, cited as “War Damage.” The only ship by that name in the franchise was a Constellation Class vessel from the TNG game Birth of the Federation from 1999.

The iconic ships in the Starfleet Museum, the Pioneer, the Enterprise-A, the Excelsior, and Voyager.

A readout for the Starfleet museum shows that as the final resting place for Voyager, Kirk’s Enterprise-A, and Captain Sulu’s Excelsior. Another ship, Pioneer, is from the Star Trek Online game.

The music used for the closing credits is Jerry Goldsmith’s theme from Star Trek: First Contact, which segues into his classic theme from Star Trek: The Motion Picture, which also doubled as the Star Trek: The Next Generation theme.

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Picard Episode Two “Disengage” Easter Eggs

Here are some of the Easter eggs we spotted in Picard episode two, titled “Disengage.”

Romulan Ale
Characters drink Romulan ale in the Star Trek franchise, for Picard Easter eggs piece.

In the episode’s opening flashback, we saw the S.S. Eleos going through an inspection. Among Jack Crusher’s (Ed Speleers) contraband onboard the Eleos were several bottles of Romulan Ale. The drink is illegal in Federation space, but that has never stopped Starfleet officers from imbibing frequently.

An Old-School Music Cue
Star Trek: The Original Series' first encounter with the Romulans in "Balance of Terror." For Picard Easter eggs piece.

When the enemy starship Shrike appears in front of the Titan, the score sounds a lot like the original music cue when the Romulans first appeared in the classic TOS episode “Balance of Terror.” That would make two references in modern Trek to that episode recently. Strange New Worlds also paid homage to it.

An Homage to an Underappreciated Vulcan
Kirstie Alley and Robin Curtis as Lt. Saavik in the Star Trek feature films, for Picard Easter eggs piece.
Paramount Pictures

The Titan’s destroyed shuttlecraft bore the name Saavik. That’s the name of the Vulcan officer introduced in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, played by Kirstie Alley. Robin Curtis continued the role in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock and Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Recent data files released for Picard season three show that Saavik was the captain of the first U.S.S. Titan. The shuttle’s red script font is the same one from the shuttlecraft Galileo in the sixties TV series. It’s a very clever Easter egg that Picard left for us to find.

Transporter Inhibitors Return
Data evades Starfleet in a shuttle in Star Trek: Insurrection.
Paramount Pictures

The transporter inhibitors used to keep Jack Crusher from beaming onto an enemy ship were first introduced in Star Trek: Insurrection. In that film, Data used them to prevent transporting off a Starfleet shuttle. He later used them to keep the citizens of the planet Ba’ku from beaming away.

The Synthetic Man
Picard dies and gets transferred into a snythetic body in Picard season one.

When Vadic (Amanda Plummer) appears on the view screen and meets Picard face to face, she refers to meeting him “in the synthetic flesh.” This refers directly to the end of Picard season one, where the Jean-Luc Picard we knew died, and was reborn in a new synthetic flesh and blood body.

New Ferengi with an Old Name
The Ferengi arms dealer Omag from the TNG episode "Unification."

Raffi meets with a Ferengi crime lord named Sneed on M’Atalas Prime. Although Sneed is a new character, he was possibly named for a Starfleet officer from the novel The Long Night. His appearance was very reminiscent of a Ferengi crimelord from The Next Generation named Omag, who we first met in the episode “Unification.”

A Familiar Space Station?
Space station Deep Space Nine, for Picard Easter eggs piece.

When Raffi (Michelle Hurd) meets with her ex-husband to get information, we see what looks like Deep Space Nine on a background monitor. Although we suppose it could be another Cardassian space station with a similar design, it sure does seem like Picard planted this Easter egg for our enjoyment.

Starship Collision Course
Starships crashing into each other in various shows and films in Star Trek history.

When the Shrike used its tractor beam to literally throw another starship at the Titan, thus crashing into her spectacularly, it recalls similar “two starships ramming into each other” moments from the franchise’s history. We saw this first in the TNG episode “Cause and Effect. Later, in the Voyager episode “Year of Hell.” Most famously, the Enterprise-E rammed itself into the warbird Scimitar in the film Nemesis.

Jack Crusher’s Shady Past
The Bynars, one-off alien race from Star Trek: TNG

As Captain Shaw (Todd Stashwick) went through Jack Crusher’s record, he discovered one of his aliases was “James Cole.” That’s a character from Terry Matalas’ series 12 Monkeys. When Jean-Luc also later goes through all of Jack’s arrests and citations, he names drops well-known Trek planets like Andoria. However, he also mentions Bynar III, home of an alien race not seen since TNG’s first season episode “11001001.”

Section 31
Agents of Section 31 in Deep Space Nine, and the Section 31 fleet in Star Trek Into Darkness.
CBS/Viacom/Paramount Pictures

Sneed name-drops Section 31, Starfleet’s off-the-books intelligence agency. The agency first appeared in Deep Space Nine, where it played a big part in many episodes. It later popped up in Star Trek: Into Darkness and Discovery. The agency’s existence was more like an urban myth. Now it seems even the Ferengi know about it in this Picard Easter egg.

An Entrance Worthy of a Warrior
The Klingon introduction in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
Paramount Pictures

When Worf (Michael Dorn) first appears to rescue Raffi, we hear Jerry Goldsmith’s Klingon theme music. It was first introduced in the opening moments of Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Later, it became Worf’s defacto theme music by Star Trek: First Contact, which Goldsmith also scored.

Jack Crusher’s Daring Escape
Roga Danar escape improsonment on the Enterprise in the TNG episode "The Hunted." For Picard Easter eggs piece.

Jack Crusher’s escape from the Titan’s brig was a callback to the Angosian soldier Roga Danar from the third season TNG episode “The Hunted.” In that episode, Danar leaned on his ingenuity and combat experience to get out of a jail cell surrounded by a force field.

The Titan’s Doctor Hails from a Familiar World
Jadzia Dax and Ezri Dax from Deep Space Nine.

The doctor on board the Titan is a Trill, the same species as Jadzia and Ezri Dax on DS9. The joined species were first introduced in the TNG episode “The Host,” with a very different alien appearance.

Enemy Ship with a Familiar Name
The Romulan Shrike class ship from the '90s TNG video games.

Vadic’s ship, the Shrike, was also the class of a Romulan vessel. We saw it in the TNG video games Starfleet Command, Armada, and Armada II. Could this be a hint at a Romulan connection?

Hiding in the Nebula
The Enterpise hides in the Mutara Nebula in Wrath of Khan, and the Enterprise-D hides in the Nebula in the TNG classic "The Best of Both Worlds." For Picard Easter eggs piece.
Paramount Pictures/CBS/Viacom

The final moments of episode two saw the Titan going into a nebula to hide from the Shrike. This is a direct callback to the Enterprise hiding from the Reliant in Wrath of Khan.

Picard Episode Three “Seventeen Seconds” Easter Eggs

The Birth of Riker and Troi’s Son
Jean Luc Picard holds Riker and Troi's son Thaddeus in a photo from Picard season one.

In the flashback opening scene, which takes place in 24th century Los Angeles at the Ten Forward bar, we see Riker and Picard having a toast to Will’s newborn son Thaddeus. Riker mentions that it was a difficult birth, and he was afraid he was going to lose him. This foreshadows Thad’s untimely death we learned about in Picard season one.

Seven of Nine’s Little Piece of Home
The U.S.S. Voyager, as seen on Star Trek: Voyager from 1995-2001.

We see a model of the U.S.S. Voyager in Seven of Nine’s crew quarters, while she tinkers with some electronics while confined to quarters by Captain Shaw.

Beverly and Jean-Luc’s Big Conversation
James T. Kirk and Carol Marcus discuss their son in Wrath of Khan, and Picard and Crusher do the same in Star Trek: Picard episode 3.
Paramount Pictures/Paramount+

When Beverly Crusher and Picard see each other again and discuss their son Jack after so many decades, it recalls the conversation Captain Kirk and his former lover Carol Marcus had about their son David in Wrath of Khan. David also never knew his dad, and did not meet him until he was an adult.

Captain Riker Takes Command
Captain Pike gives Spock the field commission of Enterprise Captain, and Kirk the field commission of First Officer, in Star Trek 2009.
Paramount Pictures

Captain Shaw gets seriously injured in the Shrike’s attack, forcing him to give Captain Riker an emergency field commission in command of the Titan. This recalls how Captain Pike gave Spock the emergency position of Captain in Star Trek 2009 after Nero’s attack. This made Kirk First Officer, just as Picard defaulted to becoming Riker’s Number One.

An Operatic Callback

The opera that Worf is listening to while training with his Bat’leth to is Hector Berlioz’s Les Troyens. The aria in particular is called “Vallon Sonore.” This is the same piece of music that a pensive Picard listened to before the Borg attack on Earth in Star Trek: First Contact.

Worf’s Credentials
Michael Dorn as Lt. Worf, Starfleet's mightiest Klingon warrior.

When Worf introduces himself formally to Raffi, he says he is “Worf, son of Mogh, House of Martok. Son of Sergei, House of Rozhenko. Bane to the Duras family. Slayer of Gowron.”

All of this references different pieces of Worf’s history in the franchise. His father was Mogh, killed by Romulans at the Khitomer outpost. He was then raised by human Starfleet officer Sergey Rozhenko, as revealed in the episode “Family.” When the Duras family tried to strip Worf of his family honor, Worf killed Duras, and later came into conflict with his sisters.

This conflict between Worf and the Duras family formed a long-term arc over several seasons of TNG. Particularly in the episodes “Sins of the Father,” “Reunion,” and “Redemption.” During the Dominion war arc on DS9, Worf killed Klingon High Chancellor Gowron for his poor leadership, giving the reigns of the empire to House Martok. It was House Martok who adopted Worf into their family after Gowron had stripped him of his family titles.

Enemies Within
Kim Catrall as Vulcan sabotuer Valeris in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, and Changeling saboteurs in Deep Space Nine.
Paramount Pictures/CBS/Viacom

The Titan being sabotaged by someone onboard recalls many episodes of Deep Space Nine. In that series, Changelings disguised themselves as Starfleet officers and sabotaged ships from within. We saw this kind of sabotage as well on board the Enterprise, in the feature film Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

The True Enemy Revealed
The shapeshifting Changelings, the Founders of the Dominion, on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Worf reveals the true enemy behind the terrorist attacks on Starfleet installations when he interrogates a suspect who morphs into a liquid state. The terrorist was a Changeling, the shape-shifting Founders of the Dominion. The Dominion waved a long and deadly war on the Alpha Quadrant for three seasons of Deep Space Nine.

The actor who played the Changeling posing as a human named Titus Rikka was Thomas Dekker. He famously played John Connor in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, but has real Trek bonafides. As a child actor, he played Jean-Luc Picard’s imaginary son in Generations. He also played the holographic Victorian child Henry Burleigh on Voyager in two episodes, “Learning Curve” and “Persistence of Vision.” The part of the Changeling is his first “real” role in the franchise.

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Picard Episode Four “No Win Scenario” Easter Eggs

The Kobayashi Maru
Admiral Kirk and Lt. Saavik after her Kobayashi Maru test in Wrath of Khan, and Kirk's own test in Star Trek 2009.
Paramount Pictures

The title of the episode, “No Win Scenario,” is a direct reference to Starfleet’s Kobayashi Maru test. This test was the first scene in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, performed as a way of seeing how Starfleet cadets handle a no-win scenario where the loss of life is inevitable. We saw it referenced again in J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek reboot film, only this time, with a young James T. Kirk.

The Hirogen
The alien hunters called the Hirogen, seen on Star Trek: Voyager.

In the flashback opening scene at the Ten Forward bar, young Starfleet officers ask Picard about facing off against the Hirogen. The Hirogen were a species of big game hunters (think Predator) who Voyager encountered in the Delta Quadrant. A young officer asks if he asked Admiral Janeway for advice since she was the first Starfleet officer to make contact with this species. Picard’s non-answer suggests he didn’t give Kathryn a call.

Arcanis Lager
The neon sign advertising Arcanis Lager, as seen in the bar in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.
Paramount Pictures

In the holodeck version of Ten Forward, we see a neon sign advertising Arcanis Lager. This same sign was seen in the Starfleet bar Dr. McCoy goes to in The Search for Spock. It seems Arcanis Lager has kept their logo the same for a century.

Odo’s Bucket
Odo's bucket where he regenerated in liquid form on Deep Space Nine.

The Changeling’s plot to kill and impersonate Starfleet officers mimics their plot to take over the Federation in Deep Space Nine. When Seven of Nine begins searching the Titan for a Changeling’s bucket where they regenerate in their liquid state, it looks exactly like the one Odo used on DS9. The same bucket was also used as a flower pot during the brief time he became solid.

Paying Homage to Christopher Plummer
Christopher Plummer as Klingon General Chang in Star Trek VI, and his daughter Amanda Plummer as Vadic in Picard season 3.
Paramount Pictures/CBS/Viacom

Amanda Plummer chews the scenery as the evil Vadic and spins her Captain’s chair around, cackling like a gleeful child on board the Shrike. This is exactly as the villainous Klingon Commander Chang did in his chair on board the Bird of Prey in The Undiscovered Country. This is a fun nod to the similarity between father and daughter actors, as Chang was played by Amanda’s father, Christopher Plummer.

The Tamarians
Captain Picard and the Tamarian Captain from the TNG fifth episode "Darmok."

In another flashback to Picard telling stories to younger officers in Ten Forward, Jean-Luc spins the tale of how he made first contact with a race called the Tamarians, a species that only spoke in metaphors. Together, he and a Tamarian Captain fought against a deadly beast together. This is all a reference to the TNG fifth season episode, “Darmok.”

Stargazer Stories
Young Picard and Jack Crusher in non-canon Star Trek material, telling stories about their time on the USS Stargazer.

Picard tells his son (Ed Speleers) about a near-death situation he and his best friend, Jack Crusher, found themselves in decades before on a shuttlecraft. Although this isn’t a reference to a specific episode, many books and comics have detailed the close bond between Jack Crusher and Picard in their younger days aboard the Stargazer.

Wolf 359
The battle of Wolf 359, where the Borg decimated Starfleet, as seen on Star Trek: TNG and DS9.

Captain Liam Shaw tells his painful story of being a young engineer on the U.S.S. Constance during the Battle of Wolf 359. This was from the episode “The Best of Both Worlds,” when the Borg captured Picard and turned him into Locutus. They used all the information in his brain to stage an attack on Starfleet in star system Wolf 359. We only saw the aftermath of Wolf 359 in TNG, but a flashback in the pilot of Deep Space Nine showed the devastating attack itself.

“Encounter at Farpoint”
The interstellar squid aliens from the TNG pilot episode "Encounter at Farpoint."

When the Titan gets out of the gravity well in the nebula, they realize it’s actually a womb for a spacefaring species that can survive in a vacuum. Picard realizes they’re very similar to the beings the Enterprise-D encountered in the TNG pilot episode “Encounter at Farpoint.” Upon seeing this species, Beverly Crusher says, “to seek out new life.” This is, of course, itself a reference to the spoken word intro to Star Trek TOS and TNG.

Picard Episode Five “Imposters” Easter Eggs

The Intrepid 
photo of the Intrepid from Star Trek
Paramount Pictures/CBS/Viacom

The starship Intrepid delivers Commander Ro to the Titan, and the name Intrepid has a long history in Star Trek. It was a Vulcan ship in the TOS episode “The Immunity Syndrome,” and its successor ship was mentioned in TNG as the ship Worf’s adoptive human father served on. The starship Voyager was an Intrepid-class ship.   

Picard and Riker’s Most Notorious Moments 
The Enterprise D crash in star trek

As Captain Shaw escorts Riker and Picard to meet Starfleet intelligence, he mentions several of their less than glorious moments in the franchise. He name- drops the Enterprise-D saucer section crash on a planet in Generations, Picard violating the Prime Directive in Insurrection, and the time paradox they created in the Devron system in the TNG series finale “All Good Things.” 

IDIC – Infinity Diversity in Infinite Combination  
Worf and Raffi in Star Trek Picard Season 3 episode 5 easter eggs
Paramount Pictures

When Worf and Raffi return to District 6, the encounter a Vulcan crime lord. He wears a Vulcan IDIC symbol, which stands for Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. That symbol first appeared on Spock in TOS in the episode “Is There in Truth No Beauty,” also as a medallion he wore around his neck.  

The Mobile Emitter  
side by side image of a mobile emitter in star trek picard easter eggs
Paramount Pictures/CBS Viacom

Worf and Raffi used a mobile holographic emitter to try and fall the Vulcan crime lord. Mobile emitters first appeared in Voyager, invented so their own holographic doctor could travel off the ship.  

Ro Laren’s Bajoran Earring 
Ro Laren's Bajoran earring star trek

When Commander Ro first appeared in this episode, she wasn’t wearing her traditional Bajoran earring. This shocked Picard, because she was adamant about wearing this symbol of her heritage on TNG. She ultimately gives Picard her earring, which contains all her investigations into the Changeling conspiracy. 

“Amok Time”  
Kirk and Spock fight in Amok Time Star Trek Picard Easter eggs

When Worf fakes his death in a battle with Raffi, it echoes how Kirk faked his own death in “Amok Time,” when he had to do battle with Spock on the planet Vulcan.  

“Conspiracy” Callback 
compromised Starfeelt admirals in Star Trek TNG

The reveal of a vast conspiracy within Starfleet, going up to the highest levels, echoes the plot of the first season TNG episode “Conspiracy,” which was about a previous covert alien takeover of Starfleet. 

Admiral Janeway 
an animated image of admiral janeway in star trek
Paramount Pictures

When Picard mentions enlisting the help of Admiral Janeway to Ro Laren, this is of course a mention of Admiral Kathryn Janeway, the former captain of the U.S.S. Voyager. We see her as an Admiral briefly in Star Trek: Nemesis, and as a supporting character in the animated Star Trek: Prodigy.  

Kahless the Unforgettable 
Khaless the Unforgettable from Star Trek

When Worf fakes his own death, he says he used the “Kahless technique” to slow down his heartrate to mimic death. Kahless is the Klingon messiah, an ancient warrior known as “the Unforgettable,” who appears in TOS and also TNG.  

Picard Episode Six “The Bounty” Easter Eggs

Jack Crusher’s Irumodic Syndrome
The Jean Luc Picard of the alternate future in the TNG finale "All Good Things."

Jack discovers in episode six he has Irumodic Syndrome, a degenerative brain condition he inherited from his father. Picard actually died of the disease in the first season, before having his consciousness transferred to a synthetic body. Picard’s Irumodic Syndrome, which was kind of like a future version of Alzheimer’s disease, was first mentioned as something the older Picard would suffer from in the alternate future timeline of TNG’s finale “All Good Things.”

Inside Daystrom Station
Among the artifacts in Daystrom Station are the Genesis Device from Wrath of Khan, a genetically modified tribble, a the body of James T. Krk.
Paramount Pictures

Daystrom Station was mentioned by Worf as the place where Section 31 hides its most off-the-books tech and contraband. Among this contraband, we saw some major references to Star Trek‘s past. We saw a version of the Genesis device, the torpedo that could create a living world from a dead moon. This played a heavy part in Wrath of Khan and The Search for Spock and was in part developed by Captain Kirk’s son, David Marcus.

Speaking of Kirk, we also saw that for unknown reasons, Starfleet has the corpse of James T. Kirk himself, who died in Star Trek Generations. Why they have his body in the stations, which Picard buried on Viridian III, remains a big mystery. And finally, we saw a genetically modified “attack tribble.” The usually cute and fuzzy pets from TOS now seem deadly. They still seem to really hate Klingons, and make shrill noises in their presence.

Daystrom’s AI Security System
Various aspects of Data's subconscious memories from his time on TNG.

We learned the sophisticated AI system that acts as security for Daystrom Station is none other than a version of Data himself. Well, Data and other Soong-made androids. But we’ll get to them. The program used Data’s memories as part of its protection program. These included a holographic crow, a reference to Data learning to dream in the TNG episode “Birthright.”

A holographic Professor Moriarty also appeared, a reference to the time Data had a battle of minds with the infamous Sherlock Holmes villain in “Elementary, Dear Data.” Finally, the song “Pop Goes the Weasel” is a direct reference to the first time Riker met Data in the TNG pilot episode “Encounter at Farpoint,” where he watched as Data struggled to whistle.

The Starfleet Museum
Deep Space Nine's Defiant, the U.S.S. Voyager, a classic Constitution-class ship, and the Klingon Bird of Prey the S.S. Bounty.

Many classic ships from Star Trek history are seen in the Starfleet Museum on Athan Prime. First, we saw the Defiant, from Deep Space Nine, as we heard a bit of the DS9 theme song. We passed by Kirk’s second Enterprise, the Enterprise-A, which was decommissioned in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. And Seven of Nine wistfully passes by Voyager, the starship where she was “reborn” from her time as Borg. We hear the Jerry Goldsmith Voyager theme as we pass her by.

The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 Refit from the 1980s films, and her successor, the Enterprise-A.
Paramount Pictures

The original Enterprise blew up, but another 1960s-style Constitution-class ship is among the rest, the U.S.S. New Jersey. Finally, the commandeered Klingon Bird of Prey, renamed the H.M.S. Bounty by Kirk in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, was also among the others, with her cloaking device intact. Several other starships were spotted in the distance, but none can be readily identified just yet.

Daystrom Android M-5-10
Data and his daughter Lal, the android Lore, the prototype android B-4, and Dr. Altan Soong.

The AI protecting Daystrom Station is actually a synthetic “golem” body, one which looks and sounds like the late Commander Data. We learn that Dr. Altan Inigo Soong, son of Data’s creator Noonien Soong, created a synthetic body for his consciousness before he died. But into that body, he poured the memories of Data, his twisted brother Lore, his daughter Lal, and his prototype brother B-4. All mixed together into one new being. Starfleet was using this AI as a security system on the station. Soong made the body age like a human being, but the brain was still positronic.

Picard’s Dead Body
The deceased body of Jean-Luc Picard from season one of Star Trek: Picard.

In episode six, we discovered that the object the Changelings stole from Daystrom Station wasn’t actually an object at all, it was a corpse. Housed within Daystrom, for unknown reasons, was the previous human body of Jean-Luc Picard, which died in season one. His consciousness was transferred to a new synthetic form. As to why the Changelings want the corpse of Admiral Picard, we’ll have to wait to find out.

Picard Episode Seven “Dominion” Easter eggs

The Return of Tuvok (But Not Really)
The Voyager crew plays the Vulcan game of Kal-toh, and Spock undertakes the Vulcan discipline of kolinahr in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
CBS/Viacom/Paramount Pictures

When Seven of Nine contacts who she believes to be her old Voyager comrade Tuvok, once again played by Tim Russ, she mentions all the games of Vulcan Kal-toh they played together. She believed this proved Tuvok was not a Changeling. However, when he agreed to meet her in a world protesting against Kolinahr, she knew he was an imposter. Star Trek: The Motion Picture introduced Kolinahr as a discipline a Vulcan takes to purge all remaining emotion. It’s a very sacred ritual to the Vulcan people.

Scanning for Lifeforms
Chekov arrives on Ceti Alpha V in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
Paramount Pictures

The scanner Vadic uses to track Jack Crusher on the Titan used a very familiar sound effect. It was the same one used by Commander Chekov on his scanner in Ceti Alpha V in The Wrath of Khan.

Lore Influences Data
Data confronts his brother Lore in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Descent."

The programming of Lore, the malicious prototype android, began to overtake Data’s positronic matrix in this episode, and this isn’t the first time it has happened. In the sixth season TNG season finale “Descent,” Lore began transmitting his negative emotions to Data, in a way, taking over his programming. Here, they share a body, but the effect is mostly the same.

Project Proteus
Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) and Admiral Picard (Patrick Stewart) in the sickbay of the USS Titan in Star Trek: Picard season three's "Dominion."

In this episode, we learned about Project Proteus. In Greek mythology, the god Proteus could change his shape at will. This project was an operation taken by Section 31 during the Dominion War, and we learned that several Changelings were captured, experimented on, and tortured, all to create a new breed that could replicate solid beings perfectly—including their organs and blood. Vadic is a survivor of such an experiment. So her feelings of hostility toward the Federation are at least somewhat valid.

The Changeling Virus
The female Changeling and Odo from Deep Space Nine suffer from a virus inflicted on them by Section 31.

The episode also referenced, and corrected, something Worf said in the previous episode. In “Imposters,” Worf said Section 31 created a virus to spread through the Great Link of the Changelings, an effort by the covert Starfleet intelligence organization to wipe them out. In Deep Space Nine, we learned a cure was found, but Starfleet did not administer it, as Worf said. It was Odo who did it, against Starfleet orders. So the Founders have a certain right to remain angry at Starfleet.

More Callbacks and References to Come

We expect many more Trek Easter eggs as this season of Picard unfolds. Star Trek: Picard season three drops new episodes every Thursday on Paramount+.

Jump to Easter Eggs From: Episode One // Episode Two // Episode Three // Episode Four // Episode Five // Episode Six

Featured Image: Paramount+

Originally published on February 16, 2023.

The post All the Easter Eggs We Spotted in STAR TREK: PICARD Season 3, So Far appeared first on Nerdist.

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