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YELLOWJACKETS Cannibalism Tracker: Who Gets Eaten in Season 2?

At the center of Yellowjackets‘ many mysteries has always been the question of cannibalism. In season one, we got a major flash forward to heavily implied cannibalism in the series’ very first episode. Could we call this confirmed cannibalism? Maybe not entirely. But it certainly feels like cannibalism is coming. And even though the series’ creators assure us, no one is eating Shauna’s baby… It seems like someone will get eaten on Yellowjackets. But who will it be? And who will do the eating? Well, to help you keep track of whether or not cannibalism has yet occurred on Yellowjackets, how likely it is more will come, and who is probably on the menu, we’re putting together this cannibalism tracker for season two.

So has cannibalism happened yet on Yellowjackets? We’re about to find out.

Yellowjackets Season Two, Episode One: Yes, There’s Cannibalism

Well, that didn’t take long. A minor act of cannibalism was committed in the very first episode of Yellowjackets season two. Shauna’s morbid pull to sit with dead Jackie’s corpse took an even more lurid turn when Shauna accidentally broke off Jackie’s ear. Anyone who has seen Hannibal could feel what comes next. Shauna kept the ear in her pocket, but the siren song of it was too much to resist. At the very end of the episode she pops it into her mouth like a candy bar. Yellowjackets cannibalism confirmed. Welcome to season two.

Shauna eating Jackie's ear first cannibalism on Yellowjackets (1)

Yellowjackets Season Two, Episode One: Hoo Boy, Is There Cannibalism

After a slow start to the cannibalism in Yellowjackets, Yellowjackets episode two of season two, “Edible Complex,” takes everything to a new level. The team wants to burn Jackie’s frozen body so they can finally lay her to rest. But either by the supernatural hand of the wilderness or by wild coincidence, they end up slow cooking her instead. As the ravenous teens catch the scent of burning meat, they can no longer resist. Everyone except for Coach Ben partakes in a feast of flesh. On Yellowjackets, Jackie gets eaten—and how. Although the experience is literal, it is also spiritual and almost religious. Engaging in the act of cannibalism seems to elevate the girls and Travis to godhood.

Yellowjackets first Cannibalism scene in season two (1)

Yellowjackets Season Two, Episode Three: Cannibalism Lingers in the Air

No further new cannibalism happens in this episode of Yellowjackets. But the team is dealing with the fallout of their feast. We see that Jackie is basically bones and nothing else. And Natalie takes all that remains of her to the site of the plane crash. Everyone is processing their descent into cannibalism differently, with Taissa taking it especially hard. But Coach’s obvious distaste for it doesn’t seem to sit well with the team.

Yellowjackets Season Two, Episode Four: The Threat of Cannibalism

There hasn’t been any more people eating since Jackie, but the conversation about it is more casual than ever. Coach Ben asks the team if they’d eat him, and Mari seems to feel like the answer is yes. Cannibalism is officially a viable option on Yellowjackets. Additionally, since neither Nat nor Lottie were able to procure more sustenance for the team this episode, it could be on the table again very soon. Everyone is starving after all.

Spoiler Alert

Yellowjackets Season Two, Episode Five: Murder But No Cannibalism

Although no actual cannibalism happened in Yellowjackets season two, episode five, death did strike. After revealing she destroyed the plane’s flight recorder, thus trapping them in the wilderness, Misty’s new best fried Crystal turns on her. Rightfully, of course. But Misty doesn’t seem to have expected it. Although Misty doesn’t actually push Crystal off the ledge, she sure backs her up toward it. And the result is another frozen body in the wilderness. We guess Crystal is next on the table if the Yellowjackets intend to commit more acts of cannibalism.

Who Will Commit Cannibalism Next, and Who Might Get Eaten on Yellowjackets?

Well, Shauna, or is that Shauna’s baby, has a taste for it now. Shauna was the first on the cannibalism train and she may not be off of it yet. We feel like there’s more cannibalism in store for Shauna on Yellowjackets.

Another strong contender for cannibalism after the latest episode of Yellowjackets is Mari. Mari is more than ready to take Jackie’s jacket off her corpse, revealing a kind of brutal, survival-focused edge that could lend itself to future acts of people eating. She also seems to have a streak of viciousness to her.

Taissa, in both the past and present timelines, if we’re honest, could also be heading for cannibalism. In the wilderness, we see Taissa’s other identity come out while she’s sleeping. And Taissa does literally take a bite out of Van as sleeping kisses turn more intense. Tai has already been eating dirt, so could human flesh be next? In the present, Taissa, unbenownest to herself, murdered the family dog and made a creepy alter. She’s also losing time more and more frequently. What else could she have been doing while unaware?

Tai biting Van on Yellowjackets is close to cannibalism

Then there’s Lottie, whose wilderness rituals in the past timeline involve drinking blood. The drinking blood to committing cannibalism pipeline feels like a slippery slope to us on Yellowjackets. Of course, in present-day, Lottie basically runs a cult. Cults and cannibalism also seem like a match.

As to who else might get eaten on Yellowjackets season two? Well, almost everyone could still be in line for a possible cannibalizing on Yellowjackets, in one timeline or another. But after episode two, we say Coach Ben is definitely in line to get eaten. He did not partake of Yellowjacket‘s cannibalistic bacchanal with the rest of the survivors. And now he isn’t hiding his condemnation of the act. That missed experience will likely be a critical error for him, making him an easy target. We’d bet Coach Ben gets eaten on Yellowjackets before season two is through. Good luck to him.

And, of course, now that Crystal is dead on Yellowjackets, cannibalism seems close behind. R.I.P. Crystal/Kristen, we barely knew you.

Dinners to Come on Yellowjackets

Yellowjackets Antler Queen and team by the fire as they prepare for cannibalism

As Yellowjackets season two unrolls, we’ll move closer to the ultimate scene of cannibalism in the woods that kicked everything off. So check back here every week to see who has taken a bite out of their friends and who has turned into dinner.

Originally published on March 24, 2023.

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