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SAW XI Announced, Lionsgate Sets September 2024 Release Date

“The game continues.” And indeed, we hope it never ends because is there a finer series than Saw? Many may look at it and see only horror and gore. Still, beneath the surface of disgusting traps that involve eyeballs, extremities, and other unpleasantness, there’s also sincere camp and sometimes even romance. (Just ask the unofficial Saw musical.) In any case, what could be better than Tobin Bell with a backward cap on pretending to be one of the youths? Nothing. And that’s why we’re delighted to hear that Saw will return with a new movie, and soon. Lionsgate has announced Saw XI will return to play more games with us. And it has even shared a release date for the new Saw film. Saw XI will release on September 27, 2024.

Saw X really missed a golden opportunity to refer to itself as “Sawks” or “Socks” and make all the traps for people who give you socks as Christmas gifts. However, we really hope that Saw XI or “Saw-xy” doesn’t miss the opportunity to pun.

On a more serious note, we know very little about the new Saw movie. And since it’s a part of the Saw universe, we’re really guaranteed very little. Saw X, of course, traveled back in the franchise’s timeline to shade in some cinematic real estate between Saw and Saw II. So Saw XI could take place in between any two Saw movies already in existence. It could even take place during a Saw movie already in existence. Perhaps Saw XI will bring us a prequel, or it could just exist as the next movie in the timeline proper. The world is our, and Jigsaw’s, oyster. As long as we play by his very arbitrary rules… And pretend like it’s all about a moral plane of existence anyway.

Jigsaw puppet and new Saw movie Saw XI annoucement

We’ll find out more soon, we’re sure. In the meanwhile, there’s plenty of Saw to tide you over while you wait.

The post SAW XI Announced, Lionsgate Sets September 2024 Release Date appeared first on Nerdist.

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