Every good Star Wars movie or TV series has a new droid for us to love. It’s basically a fact. And Star Wars: The Acolyte is no different. The Acolyte will introduce us to an adorable new droid called, Pip. According to Star Wars‘ official description of Pip, Pip is “a handheld repair droid with a wide array of tool attachments, has a chipper, can-do personality. The pocket-sized droid is always eager to help, often suggesting just the right tool for the task at hand.”

We love him already! And what a fun change that this Star Wars droid is handheld. It’s sure to set Pip apart. We can’t wait to see which of The Acolyte‘s characters befriends this new droid. But for now, we’ll settle for seeing him in action. Check out Pip the droid in the cool featurette highlighting Star Wars‘ designers and makers. You can see Pip appear around the 30 second mark.
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